Where do I begin? I arrived at the facility shortly after giving birth to a litter of adorable, but annoying kittens. Everything was so overstimulating and overwhelming, as I was very young myself and had only ever known a life Outside. Suddenly, I was surrounded by different Humans every day. They gave me yummy food, but I was still skeptical of their intentions… sometimes they tried to pick me up and babble nonsense to me, or poke me with weird pointy things. I cautioned to only stay where they could not reach me, under some furniture in a corner. I had no clue what to make of my new life. That is, until a dashing prince adorned in white fur arrived and turned my already upside-down world back upright again…
Life has been good to me. Get this: I was going to be put to sleep! All because of my darned teeth! That is, until these groovy Humans helped me get the problem-chompers removed. Now, my tongue kinda always sticks out… but who cares! I got a new lease on life, and the most gorgeous, lady I’ve ever laid eyes on!
When I moved in to my new digs, I noticed her right away. Rosie. What a name! She was a little standoffish and quite feisty at first, but she totally let her guard down once she realized I’m just a big ole teddy bear. Suddenly she started curling up right next to me! What luck! I take my new assignment as her loving, doting husband very seriously. (Yes, we were betrothed immediately). I will protect her until the end of time. Anyone looks at my lady funny, they’re dealing with Rubix. (Not that she can’t take care of herself.)

Rubix is everything I never knew I needed. Ever since my charming guy came in to my life, I feel lighter, friendlier. There’s something so comforting about his big, goofy, toothless grin. He’s the best part of my days. I realized the Humans aren’t so bad either; sometimes I let them give me an ear scritch, but only if I’m in the mood! Most days, Rubix and I relax in our various favorite spots: the day bed, the Honeymoon Suite kennel, the office chair. Anywhere that will fit us, we are cozied up. When we’re together, I feel like I can conquer anything. Life just feels more complete with him in it, and honestly, I can’t picture a day without my sweetie Rubix. I will follow him everywhere!
Every moment with Rosie feels like a dream come true! I can’t help but get lost in her heavenly green eyes whenever she looks at me. Her soft fur, her gentle purrs, and the way she nuzzles into me make my heart skip a beat every single time! There’s something about the way she trusts me, the way she curls up beside me, that makes me feel like the luckiest creature in the universe. I know she’s the one for me, and I’d do anything to make her happy. As long as I’ve got my Rosie by my side, I know I’ve got everything I need!