Surf Bags Available!
Everybody, let’s go surfing. Surfing USA.
Now available: Surfboard Bags for $20
- Heavy duty
- Padded shoulder pads
- Rubber at tip
- 9 ft long – if your board a little shorter, there’s room for wetsuit, etc.
- Has inside pocket for flippers
All proceeds go to SAVING ANIMALS’ LIVES.
Bingo Fundraiser Huge Success!
The 2015 Bingo Night was supported by over 200 participants at Top of the Market in San Pedro’s Ports O’ Call. Thank you to all! Over $28,000 was raised which will go to benefit animals in need, including transporting dogs to No-Kill Shelters, where they will find permanent forever homes.
Board Members Clint Patterson and Cathy Cerami
(From L to R) Cathy Cerami, Clint Patterson and major donor.